
Archive for February, 2010|Monthly archive page

Donation Store

In Donation Store on February 25, 2010 at 7:38 pm

These are a few of the items we have available for those who would like to donate to the ministry of The Real Rock Cafe:

Real Rock Cafe T-Shirts

Go MAD (make a difference) Travel Mugs

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Gourmet Coffee

Accidental Proffit CDs

Donating to The Real Rock Cafe’

For more information about our donation store visit www.accidentalproffit.com
All proceeds go to help fund the ministry of The Real Rock Cafe Fremont, Ne.
You may order by contacting accidentalproffit@rocketmail.com

Fremont Tribune article

In In The News on February 25, 2010 at 6:53 pm

Concert to raise funds for cafe
By Tammy Real-McKeighan/Fremont Tribune
Wednesday, Jan 13, 2010 – 10:45:12 am CST
Four musical groups will be part of a dinner and concert to raise funds for a local coffee house ministry.

Omahans Jonah and Robyn Reuben are seeking funds to open The Real Rock Café, an outreach ministry of Christian Community Fellowship Church in Fremont. The coffee house, to be located at 635 N. Main St., would be designed as a place where artists, musicians and writers could use their gifts to minister to the community and would be open from 6-10 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays, Jonah Reuben said.

The fundraiser starts with a community dinner at 5 p.m. Jan. 30 at the church, 1640 W. Military Ave., Fremont. It will be followed by a presentation about the coffee house at 6:30 p.m. Music will start at 7 p.m. Admission for the dinner and concert is $5 per person.

Those who attend can hear the band fROM dUST and guests Accidental Proffit, Zach Short and 37 years.

fROM dUST is a Christian rock band from Omaha. Formed in 1995, it has been playing shows as a semi-regional band for several years.

Jonah Reuben leads Accidental Proffit, which incorporates various music styles with a mix of R&B, blues and folk rock.

Zach Short, who is fairly new to the music scene, combines earthy melodies with lyrical content to reach audiences.

Omaha veterans Tyler Smith and Sandy Cunningham have reunited after 37 years (hence the group’s name), combining folk, pop and gospel influences to create a mix of new and old cover tunes as well as their own original songs.

The Reubens announced last fall that they plan to open the coffee house ministry in downtown Fremont.

They said the facility will be more of a community outreach center than a coffee shop, but that coffee and other beverages and some snacks will be served.

In a press release, the Reubens said they envision The Real Rock Cafe to be a place “where those who have been wounded physically and spiritually can receive healing for their broken souls.”

They’re planning free concerts in a family friendly environment and also movie nights, where they will present different films and encourage group discussion afterward.

“There are some in the community who don’t feel comfortable in a traditional church setting, so we are also planning weekly Bible studies for them,” Jonah Reuben said.

Plans also are to have a small food pantry and clothing closet available to those struggling in the community.

In the meantime, he invites area residents to attend the upcoming fundraiser.

“This will give them an idea of what we’re going to be doing in the community,” he said. “They’ll have a better idea of what it will cost to run and also what it will take to fund this ministry.”

Reuben believes the coffee house will benefit businesses.

“If kids are going to the coffee house, they’re not going to be running around vandalizing businesses and wreaking havoc,” he said. “Ultimately a lot of younger kids, preteen and teenagers will be hanging out (there), because it will be a new place.”

For more information about the coffee house, contact Jonah at
accidentalproffit@rocketmail.com or http://www.myspace.com/accidentalproffit.

And So We Begin

In Our Plans on February 25, 2010 at 6:37 pm

Jonah Reuben and his wife Robyn are planning on opening a new Christian Coffee House located in downtown Fremont, Nebraska. The coffee house, called The Real Rock Cafe’ will be a local outreach ministry of Christian Community Fellowship Church in Fremont and will be dedicated to the well being of the people in the community.

The Real Rock Cafe’ will be a collection of artists, musicians, and writers with the common goal of using their gifts and talents to minister to those in the community. They envision it to be a place where those who have been wounded physically and spiritually can receive healing for their broken souls.

Besides having free concerts in a family friendly environment,we will also be planning Movie Nights, where we will present different films that will encourage discussion groups afterward.  There are some in the community who don’t feel comfortable in a traditional church setting, so we are also planning weekly Bible studies for them. The Real Rock Cafe’ will also have a small food pantry and clothing closet available for those struggling financially in the community. Although the coffee house ministry will be an outreach of Christian Community Fellowship Church, Jonah and Robyn would like to encourage other ministries as well as businesses in the community to be involved.  With more community involvement we can make a real difference in the life of a mother, a father, a young adult, or a child.

How the Real Rock Cafe’ can help at risk youth in the community

The Real Rock Cafe’ will give young people a safe place to call their own. Caring, dedicated adults will be there to listen to them and help them navigate the stresses, changes and choices that come with adolescence. Building relationships with these responsible adults and with other young people from different backgrounds will help give preteens and teens the inner strength to avoid destructive behavior. Young people have more fun and learn more when they can take the lead in planning and directing their own programs and the Real Rock Cafe’ will provide this opportunity. The Real Rock Cafe’ will have programs targeted specifically to at-risk youth as well as others in the community.

We are excited about the opportunities and experiences that lie ahead. I hope you see the value in what we will accomplish. If you can support us in a financial way, we would be very grateful. Most importantly, we also need your prayer support. Prayer is the fuel that will allow us to be successful as we follow God’s leading in this ministry to Fremont. Without prayer, nothing will happen. If you would like to be part of this ministry through your financial support, please send a check to:  Christian Community Fellowship 1640 W. Military Ave Fremont, Ne. 68025 and write “Coffee House Ministry” on the memo line. All contributions are tax deductible.

For more information about The Real Rock Cafe’ contact:  Christian Community Fellowship (402) 881-5916 or email accidentalproffit@rocketmail.com


In Who We Are on February 25, 2010 at 5:55 pm

Welcome to The Real Rock Cafe web blog
Here you will find information about the ministry of the Real Rock Cafe; a Christian Coffeehouse planned for Fremont, Ne. In future issues we will be posting news articles from local media outlets, updates on our progress, fundraisers, as well as how you can donate to the ministry.

Real Rock Cafe’ Mission Statement:
We are a collection of artists, musicians, and writers with a common goal of using our gifts and talents to minister to those in our community. Just as the Good Samaritan reached out to help the man that had fallen among thieves, we are committed to do the same for those who are in need.
Those who have been stripped of their raiment, we will clothe. Those who have been wounded physically and spiritually, we will bind up their wounds and minister a healing word to their broken souls. We will pour healing into their wounds with the love of God, and give of our own to help them. We will care for them and help nurse them back to health. We will bless them, and in return, they will be a blessing to others in need.

…Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40