
About Us

Real Rock Cafe’ Mission Statement:
We are a collection of artists, musicians, and writers with a common goal of using our gifts and talents to minister to those in our community. Just as the Good Samaritan reached out to help the man that had fallen among thieves, we are committed to do the same for those who are in need.
Those who have been stripped of their raiment, we will clothe. Those who have been wounded physically and spiritually, we will bind up their wounds and minister a healing word to their broken souls. We will pour healing into their wounds with the love of God, and give of our own to help them. We will care for them and help nurse them back to health. We will bless them, and in return, they will be a blessing to others in need.

…Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40

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